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Anti-wrinkle Treatments

There are a number of modalities that can be used to treat fine lines and wrinkles.  A face to face assessment will be required to determine if the wrinkles are as a result of facial expression or skin thinning, loss of elasticity or reduced collagen. 

Dermal Fillers

Facial volume loss occurs as part of the ageing process, secondary to the resorption of facial bones and the falling of fat pads, this results in a flattened cheek appearance, deeper nasolabial folds (nose to mouth lines) and prominent jowls.  Restoring cheek volume can lift and project the cheeks, improve definition and fill out lines and wrinkles.

Lip Augmentation

Lip augmentation is not just about improving lip fullness or restoring volume to create the infamous pout, it can also be used to restore definition and reduce the perioral wrinkles, sometimes called "smoker's lines."​  For your safety no more than 1.0ml will be used in one consultation and for up to four weeks post treatment.

Chemical Peels
The Chemical Peels used at Derma-Aesthetics are safe and effective on all skin types and improve many skin concerns such as hyperpigmentation, melasma, acne, rosacea and all the signs of ageing.  The Perfect Peel typically needs 7 days downtime, where as the ZO Stimulator Peel requires no downtime.


Biomodelling with an immediate tightening effect.  Biomodelling is a new and original approach to anti-ageing which counteracts skin laxity of the face and in areas traditionally difficult to treat, such as the neck, arms and hands.  Results confirm improvements in skin texture, elasticity and hydration.  The perfect lunch-time procedure.



Rather than using chemicals to exfoliate the skin, dermaplaning performs a physical exfoliation by using a sterile surgical blade to remove dead skin cells and fine vellus (peach-fuzz) hair.  This not only results in smooth and glowing skin, but it also allows for skin care products to penetrate into the skin more effectively.  Dermaplaning is not an invasive treatment and has minimal post procedure downtime.

Weight Loss

As an accredited partner of the National Medical Weight Loss Programme (NMWLP), derma-aesthetics can help you achieve your weight loss goals following evidence-based guidelines and treatments.  Please click here to complete your consultation form.


Dermapen4 and WOW Fusion are skin microneedling treatments with minimum downtime which promotes scarless healing and natural collagen production in the skin to improve the appearance of scars, acne scarring, stretch marks, wrinkles, pigmentation and rejuvenate the skin

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